Wednesday 16 July 2008


A calorie counter:
This site has the 88 least healthy foods. Trans fat is very big problem and many people are interested in this issue. This site teaches us how dangerous trans fat is. This site has a list of fast food which includes high trans fat. When you eat out, it is very useful to choose food. In addition, this site has FAQ so if you have some questions, you can solve it here!
I really recommend you this site. Please click

Vegetables are healthy so they are good for our health. However, sometimes eating enough vegetables is difficult. This site shows us much information about vegetables. We can learn about the importance of vegetables and well-balanced meal. In oeder to eat enough vegetables, this site gives us advice. There are also some recipes, too. When you are in trouble to make dinner, you can check this site and make healthy food including many vegetables. Let's click here!

Overweight is a problem not only for human but also for dogs. If you have pet, you have to care about its weight. These sites are about dogs. In many cases, the cause of their overweight is human. People give their pet many foods, and they become fat. This site cautions you so if you have pet, you should go these sites. Please click
here first! If you want to know more, please click here!